How do I Keep Pests Out of My Home?
Pest Control, pests

How do I Keep Pests Out of My Home?

Friday, November 03, 2023

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Nobody wants to see pests inside their home. However, in The Villages, FL, this is something many homeowners have to deal with. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to keep them out. First off, you'll want to clean up any crumbs or spills right away so that pests have less incentive to come onto your property. You also need to wash dirty dishes immediately instead of letting them pile up. Additionally, you should ensure that all food is kept in sealed containers at all times. You'll also want to seal any cracks or crevices around your windows, doors, and foundation because pests will use these as entry points if they can find them. While doing these things will certainly help deter pests from coming onto your property, the best thing you can do is schedule a perimeter pest control service!

Clean up any crumbs or spills right away and wash dirty dishes immediately.

To keep pests out of your home, you need to remove anything that could attract them to it. One of the most common reasons pests go into homes is to search for food. So, you must take steps to eliminate any sources of food for them. If you spill anything or there are crumbs on the counters or floors, you need to clean them up right away. That way, pests won't have an easy time finding something to eat once they enter your home. Dirty dishes left sitting around are another source of food for pests, so you need to wash them right away too. By taking care of these things, you can greatly reduce the chances of pests making their way into your home.

Some pests that commonly enter homes in Florida include ants, spiders, and cockroaches.

Store food in sealed containers to help keep pests out of your home.

Another way to prevent pests from entering your home is by storing all food in sealed containers. This means no more leaving food out on the counter, which provides an easy meal for pests. They'll also search through your trash cans for food, but you can eliminate this opportunity by putting your garbage in tightly sealed bins. By keeping food and trash out of sight, you can drastically reduce the number of pests coming onto your property.

Seal any cracks or crevices in your windows, doors, and foundation.

Another thing that you can do to help keep pests out of your home is to seal any holes and gaps where pests could potentially enter. Pests will look for small openings like cracks and crevices in your windows, doors, and even your foundation. After all, they like to hide in small spaces where they can stay safe from predators. If you seal these areas, they won't be able to easily access your home, making it much harder for them to gain entry.

Schedule a perimeter pest control service to keep pests out of your home year-round.

While cleaning up messes, sealing entry points, and storing food properly are great ways to deter pests from entering your home, nothing beats scheduling a perimeter pest control service. When you do, pros will apply highly effective treatments around the exterior of your home to create a barrier that pests cannot penetrate. They will return throughout the year to reapply the treatments, giving you peace of mind knowing that your property has consistent protection against pests.

Give us a call today to schedule our perimeter pest control service.

If you're dealing with an infestation of pests in your home, we can help. At FertiGator Lawn Care, we offer a perimeter pest control service that involves applying our highly effective treatments around the exterior of your home to create a protective barrier that pests cannot penetrate. We will then visit your property every other month to resupply the treatment, ensuring that your property remains protected throughout the year. Our perimeter pest control service is available to residential properties in The Villages, Lady Lake, Wildwood, FL, and surrounding areas. Call (352) 314-2867 to schedule our perimeter pest control service today!

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